

Hershey's is the iconic name in
American chocolate. These spots have their
own distinctive feel but all are wrapped with
a delicious appeal only from Hershey’s. 


Hershey's Bar
There are only three simple ingredients in
Hershey's chocolate: Milk, Cocoa, and Almonds.
We wanted to let customers know that
when it comes to enjoying Hershey's, 
only the simple ingredients of life are needed.


Hershey's Spreads
Spreadable Hershey's chocolate can be
enjoyed with anything and everything.
This spot showcases the endless possibilities
of deliciousness only from Hershey's.


Hershey's Syrup
As the campaign evolved, we wanted to show that
not only is Hershey's Syrup delicious,
but the process of making it is delicious too.


Jolly Rancher
Big, larger-than-life fruit burst through
the hard candies with so much flavor,
it can hardly be tamed.